byf mostly here because of heartstopper, but also kind of all over the place- i'm annoying about my interests lmao, i make a lot of typos, and i'm anxious as hell and might not respond or fb because of it

dni just please don't be weird, if you post any sort of nsfw, if you don't respect celebrities' basic privacies, if you like sebastian croft

games life is strange, detroit become human, fnaf, the last of us

film heartstopper, percy jackson (boycott!), sweeney todd, six, and the lightning thief musical, httyd, mlp, spiderman (mostly itsv, atsv, and btsv)

books the riordanverse, the perks of being a wallflower, keeper of the lost cities, i wish you all the best, all for the game, the osemanverse

!!! joe locke, yasmin finney, wasia project, pjo cast